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5個海外留學慳錢秘笈 5 tips to save money when studying abroad

[re-post from http://blog.yahoo.com/_S3GYPXIOORDWMRGPOW3PRQG744/articles/1003844/index]


1. 購買二手家具及衣服


2. 申請學生火車證、巴士卡


3. 減少出外用餐


4. 減少出外娛樂


5. 利用視像通話


As a foreign student, tuition fee is more expensive than usual. In addition, the living standard overseas is usually higher than that in Hong Kong. If you would like to alleviate your parents’ burden or save more pocket money to do something you want, the following 5 tips may be able to help you!

1. Buy 2nd hand furniture and clothes

As there are more and more foreign students around the world, it’s not too hard to buy their used furniture when they leave the country, because most of these students only stay in the country for a short period of time. Some places like the United Kingdom, it’s very easy to find some charity shops. They are selling second-hand clothes that people donate, the money they earn from the clothes are also for charity purpose. If you are lucky enough, you can find something cheap but with high quality!

2. Apply student travel card

Different cities may provide different student incentives. Try to ask some more experienced/senior students and check what kind of discount you may get. For example, in England, there’s a rail card for 16-25 years old youth. The application fee is around GBP30, but you can also enjoy 1/3 discount off when you are traveling with the London underground. Other than that, if you can ride a bike, traveling with a bike is also a good option!

3. Don’t dine out that often

Dining out is more expensive usually. You can try to cook some simple dishes or if you are brave enough, look for some new recipes online and try to make it! Maybe you can gather your friends, and make a dinner together! Rice cooker is not that common compared to Asia, you can try to look for ways to cook rice in normal pot or cooking with microwave, or if you really need it, go to China Town and get one!

4. Don’t always go out for entertainment

You can go to your friends’ place to play some games, bake a cake, or watch a movie at home! These entertainments will probably cheaper than going to a cinema or other entertainment venue.

5. Make use of video call

It’s normal that your friends and family will miss you when you are overseas. When technology was not that advance in the past, the expensive bill for telephone is kind of inevitable. But now, if you can make use of software like Skype, Whatsapp…etc., it will be so cheap and easy to communicate with your friends. (Skype also provide monthly plan, so you can use internet to call other’s mobile phone no., and the price is not expensive at all!)

更多海外升學資訊 More study abroad information:美國留學

更多更多相關資訊 More related information:MSN英國旅遊熱點之選

10個海外升學的原因 10 Reasons to Study Abroad



1. 訓練獨立


2. 體驗異地文化


3. 結交外籍朋友


4. 學習自己有興趣的科目


5. 學好外語


6. 擴闊眼界


7. 容易專心讀書


8. 認識自己


9. 認識自己的國家及文化


10. 提升兢爭力


更多海外升學資訊 More Study Abroad information:海外升學

Strawberry Santas

Cute strawberry santas!! :DDD


Xmas is so important for Westerners just like Chinese New Year for the Chinese. In Hong Kong, we find the festival getting very commercial, how many people will have a decent Christmas lunch/dinner with their friends and family at home?



Matt on Not-WordPress, mostly photos

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留學不再只是想 Study Abroad isn’t only a dream anymore!






I always want to travel to a foreign country to experience more. I feel like the world is so big, we should also widen our eyesight!

It’s impossible for me to study abroad because I am not coming from a wealthy family…

However, I am lucky enough to get into the university, where I gained different study abroad or overseas internship experience!

Because of the scholarship and subsidy I got, it alleviates my financial burden a lot!

And recently, I realize there are some study abroad organization, they are giving students some scholarship, so that study abroad isn’t just a dream for them anymore!

