5種住hostel唔想遇到嘅人 5 types of people you don’t want to meet in a Hostel


1. 鬧鐘響不停嘅人


2. 深夜講嘢大大聲嘅人


3. 飲醉酒嘅人


4. 做兒童不宜嘢嘅人(唔係吸煙同飲酒)

即係住係一個mixed dorm,明明就係有好多陌生人,有男有女,但就偏偏要係咁多人嘅地方做一啲兒童不宜嘅嘢,發出一啲「奇怪」嘅聲音!可能佢哋覺得好刺激,但聽到啲咁嘅聲音嘅人就真係瞓得有啲唔係好安樂!

5. 話對你有興趣嘅人


你又有冇喺hostel遇過啲唔想遇到嘅人呢?歡迎分享! DSCN7508 Recently I just got back form a trip, as usual, I would like to save some money and decided to stay in a Hostel for a few nights. Since some of them are really cheap, say 5-6euro per night, we decided to go for those hostel! When things are so cheap, I don’t expect too much from it. But if I met these kinds of people in a Hostel, sometimes I really think it’s a disaster!

1. Person with alarm clock keeps ringing

Once I lived in a hostel, someone in the room had her alarm clock starts ringing at 6.30am! I understand sometimes people may have to wake up early to catch their schedule, it’s okay if someone is waking up at 6.30am! But the thing is, this girl actually wakes up at 8.30am in the end. So she just keeps her alarm clock ringing at 6.30am,7am, 7.30am, 8am, 8.15am, 8.25am…etc. Pfffffff

2. Person who chats/speaks loudly in the midnight

I once fell asleep at around 11pm. Then I thought I could sleep till the next morning. But at around 12am, my dorm-mates came back. They started chatting, tidying up their things, walking around the room to get stuff…They were soooo noisy that they actually woke me up. What is worse was there were a group of 12 Spanish living the room right next. As the hostel is quite old, you can hear people speaking next room quite clearly. In the end, there was no way but I had to go to the reception and told them the situation and got it solved.

3. Person who is drunk

When it’s the middle of the night, and your dorm-mate came back drunk and talking to someone else, that’s actually quite horrible. I personally think drunk people are one of the hardest people to deal with. Because even when you talk to them, they can’t really control themselves and the next morning, they won’t even remember what happened last night. I feel that’s not much I can do under this circumstance.

4. People who do 18+ things in the room (i don’t mean smoking or drinking)

When you live in a mixed form, with people of all ages and both male and female in the room, sometimes I don’t really understand how people can do something like that, and making noise that makes people feel uncomfortable. Perhaps they think it’s exciting to do such things, but seriously, it just so awkward to hear something like that.

5. Person who said he’s interested in you

After chatting for awhile, the person told you you are so cute, so pretty, and he’s interested in you, and you are living in the same dorm with him! Ohlalalaaaaa Once I traveled with my friend and she’s the victim, just to play safe, my friend and I slept in the same bed together that night even though we paid for our own bed!

Have you met someone in the hostel that you would not like to meet? Please feel free to share your experience!

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