簡單外國生活食譜 easy live abroad recipe – Tiramisu


*tiramisu 在意大利文指’pick me up’,實在是一個很浪漫的甜品!

When I was living abroad, one of the ways to spare my time is to cook, and Tiramisu is one of my signature dishes! It’s a bit expensive to buy the ingredients in Hong Kong, but it’s still affordable to do it in western countries!

*tiramisu means ‘pick me up’ in Italian, it’s a really romantic dessert!

準備時間 preparation time : 1-1.5 hr

材料 ingredients (for around 6 people) :
咖啡 Espresso/ coffee
手指餅 Ladyfingers/pavesini
雞蛋 Egg x 6
Mascarpone 250 g
糖 Sugar 50-75g (depends on personal preference)
無糖可可粉 Unsweeten cocoa powder

02amount of ingredients for this container!

工具 equipment :
電動打蛋器 electric mixer
大碗 mixing bowl x 2
長方形玻璃器皿 rectangular glass container

步驟 procedure :
1. 先準備熱咖啡,待涼。
2. 把蛋黃與蛋白分開,分別放在兩個大碗內。
3. 把糖加入蛋黃內,用電動打蛋器混合。然後加入mascarpone,再混合。
4. 清洗打蛋器,再把蛋白發至企身(倒轉也不會掉下來)。
5. 然後把蛋白跟蛋黃混合。
6. 把手指餅逐一快速浸到咖啡內,然後整齊排在玻璃器皿中,放滿一層後在上面放一層蛋槳。(如用Pavesini, 每邊1秒; 如用Ladyfinger, 每邊2秒)
7. 重複第6步至滿,灑上可可粉。
8. 放進雪櫃一晚,翌日食用。

1. Prepare the espresso, cool it.
2. Separate egg yolk from egg white, put it in the two mixing bowls respectively.
3. Add sugar into the egg yolk, and mix it with the electric mixer. Add the mascarpone to the mixture and mix it.
4. Wash the mixer, and whip the egg white till soft peak.
5. Fold the egg white to the egg yolk and mascarpone mixture.
6. Dip each pavesini/ladyfinger quickly into the espresso, place them tidily at the bottom of the container, spread a layer of egg mixture on top. (Dip for 1 sec on each side if it’s pavesini, 2 sec on each side if it’s lady finger)
7. Repeat step 6 until the top of container, sprinkle cocoa powder.
8. Put in the fridge overnight, ready to serve!


the mess i created after preparing a tiramisu!

心得 little tips :

1. 煮優質的espresso! Make a nice espresso!
2. 在舖上每一層蛋槳後也灑上可可粉! Sprinkle cocoa powder after each layer of egg mixture!
3. 不要心急,放一個晚上才吃! Don’t hurry, make sure the tiramisu is put in the fridge for a night!

3個倫敦吸引我的地方 3 things that London attracts me


1. 棟篤笑


2. 音樂劇




3. 四周綠油油的地方

閒時我喜歡到綠油油的郊外下,享受一下大自然!當春天一到,我已急不及待到城內的Hyde Park一遊,或是到Richmond Park親親小鹿和其他小動物,又或是到格林威治時間的起源地Greenwich,在草地上午睡片刻!



Many people like the British culture we can find in London: British High Tea, a fashion hub for Europe, the red bus, post-box and telephone-box! Many of my friends told me that they like the liveliness and busy-life in London, but for a girl coming from a place which has the highest population density in the world, these are what London attract me!

1. Comedy Show

Recommended by my friends, I was introduced to a free comedy show. They will ask you to give them some money as you wish in the end of the show. It’s okay if you not give any, but usually I will give a bit, because they did a good show and they deserve some appreciation and reward. Though I can’t afford a lot, I will recommend the show to my friends and spread the words around. One thing I like their show is it’s an improvised comedy, so there are quite a lot of interaction between the audiences and the comedians.


2. Musical

There are a lot of Musical shows around London! Sometimes when they have offer, the ticket can be as cheap as GBP12. Listening to the great singing and watching the awesome acting are really great, but what I like the most is to feel the atmosphere and the culture that people like to go to these shows!

3.Green-area around the city

I like to enjoy the nature very much, just to chill and forget about our busy life. Thus as soon as spring comes, I try to indulge myself in Hyde Park – the biggest park inside the city, or going to Richmond Park – a park with deer and other little cute animals, or an afternoon in Greenwich – where Greenwich-Mean-Time are from is also nice to relax for an afternoon!



更多相關資訊 More related information: Shoot from the hip!

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London, Great Britain


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ven01Venice, Italy (Hmm. maybe this is not really an art…)


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