5種住hostel唔想遇到嘅人 5 types of people you don’t want to meet in a Hostel


1. 鬧鐘響不停嘅人


2. 深夜講嘢大大聲嘅人


3. 飲醉酒嘅人


4. 做兒童不宜嘢嘅人(唔係吸煙同飲酒)

即係住係一個mixed dorm,明明就係有好多陌生人,有男有女,但就偏偏要係咁多人嘅地方做一啲兒童不宜嘅嘢,發出一啲「奇怪」嘅聲音!可能佢哋覺得好刺激,但聽到啲咁嘅聲音嘅人就真係瞓得有啲唔係好安樂!

5. 話對你有興趣嘅人


你又有冇喺hostel遇過啲唔想遇到嘅人呢?歡迎分享! DSCN7508 Recently I just got back form a trip, as usual, I would like to save some money and decided to stay in a Hostel for a few nights. Since some of them are really cheap, say 5-6euro per night, we decided to go for those hostel! When things are so cheap, I don’t expect too much from it. But if I met these kinds of people in a Hostel, sometimes I really think it’s a disaster!

1. Person with alarm clock keeps ringing

Once I lived in a hostel, someone in the room had her alarm clock starts ringing at 6.30am! I understand sometimes people may have to wake up early to catch their schedule, it’s okay if someone is waking up at 6.30am! But the thing is, this girl actually wakes up at 8.30am in the end. So she just keeps her alarm clock ringing at 6.30am,7am, 7.30am, 8am, 8.15am, 8.25am…etc. Pfffffff

2. Person who chats/speaks loudly in the midnight

I once fell asleep at around 11pm. Then I thought I could sleep till the next morning. But at around 12am, my dorm-mates came back. They started chatting, tidying up their things, walking around the room to get stuff…They were soooo noisy that they actually woke me up. What is worse was there were a group of 12 Spanish living the room right next. As the hostel is quite old, you can hear people speaking next room quite clearly. In the end, there was no way but I had to go to the reception and told them the situation and got it solved.

3. Person who is drunk

When it’s the middle of the night, and your dorm-mate came back drunk and talking to someone else, that’s actually quite horrible. I personally think drunk people are one of the hardest people to deal with. Because even when you talk to them, they can’t really control themselves and the next morning, they won’t even remember what happened last night. I feel that’s not much I can do under this circumstance.

4. People who do 18+ things in the room (i don’t mean smoking or drinking)

When you live in a mixed form, with people of all ages and both male and female in the room, sometimes I don’t really understand how people can do something like that, and making noise that makes people feel uncomfortable. Perhaps they think it’s exciting to do such things, but seriously, it just so awkward to hear something like that.

5. Person who said he’s interested in you

After chatting for awhile, the person told you you are so cute, so pretty, and he’s interested in you, and you are living in the same dorm with him! Ohlalalaaaaa Once I traveled with my friend and she’s the victim, just to play safe, my friend and I slept in the same bed together that night even though we paid for our own bed!

Have you met someone in the hostel that you would not like to meet? Please feel free to share your experience!

Schwetzingen – 德國的秘密城堡花園 Schwetzingen – Secret castle garden in Germany



Heidelberg in Germany may not sound strange to many travelers. However, its nearby city – Mannheim, most of the people go there just for the sake of having cheaper accommodation when visiting Heidelberg, because that is a city which is not too much to see. Yet, I stayed in Mannheim for a few days because of a friend.

While my friend was worrying where she should show me around in Mannheim, her housemate suggested we can go to Schwetzingen. She said we would definitely love it! We were shocked after we enter the castle garden, and then we realized the garden was realllllllllly huge! This castle is so secret that even my German friend who’s been studying there didn’t know about that! What a big discovery!

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噴泉 Big Fountain!

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放塊樹葉,就會跟住水流走 Put a leaf, and it will flow along the water

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小橋流水 little bridge

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五顏六色的秋天 colourful autumn

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城堡內的清真寺 Mosque in the castle

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遊完花園嘆下蘋果餡餅 Enjoy apple strudel after the visit

簡單外國生活食譜 番茄炒蛋湯麵 – easy live abroad recipe Scrambled Egg with Tomato and Noodle in soup

快 靚 正!兼且色香味俱全!唔係番茄炒蛋仲有啲咩!簡單一個番茄炒蛋,唔同人都可能有少少唔同嘅做法,呢個係我覺得最好味嘅做法!

Quick Easy Yummy! Looks pretty and smells good too! This is a simple dish that we love to eat in Hong Kong! Though different people may have slightly different way to make it, but this is how i make it for my meal!


準備時間 preparation time : 15mins

材料 ingredients (for 3 people) :
洋蔥Onion 1/2 (細/Small)
番茄 Tomatoes 2
雞蛋 Egg 2
Noodle 1
鹽 Salt
橄欖油 Olive Oil
黑椒 Black Pepper
豉油 Soy Sauce
麻油 Sesame Oil

工具 equipment :

小煎Pan Saucepan
煲 Pot

步驟 procedure :

1. 先把洋蔥,番茄切粒,備用
2. 煮滾500mL水,加鹽,黑椒及一半番茄,煮5-10分鐘 (下稱番茄湯)
3. 把橄欖油加至煎pan中,開大火,直至油熱後,轉中細火並把洋蔥炒至軟身

4. 洋蔥軟身後,把番茄一起放到煎pan內,以中火煮5分鐘 (或至麵差不多煮熟)
5. 當番茄湯準備好後,加入豉油及麻油,把麵放進 (不同麵需時不同,請根據包裝上說明)

6. 麵差不多熟時,加些少鹽及胡椒到番茄中,把雞蛋打勻,倒進煎pan內
7. 保持中火,待蛋汁底部開始凝結,重複至再沒有蛋汁
8. 熄火,上碟即可!

1. Chopped he onion and tomatoes to small pieces
2.  Put 500mL water to boil, add salt, pepper and half of the tomatoes, cook for around 5-10mins (tomato soup below)
3. Add Olive oil to the saucepan, turn up the heat until the oil is hot, turn it to medium-small fire and add onion, fry till soften
4. When the onion is ready, put the rest of the tomatoes into the saucepan, cook for 5 mins under medium fire (or until the noodles is almost ready)
5. When the tomato soup is ready, add soy sauce and sesame oil, and put the noodles in (Different noodles have different cooking time, please follow the instructions on the package)
6. Put some salt and pepper to the tomato, mix the eggs and put them into the saucepan when the noodles are almost ready
7. Keep it at medium fire, don’t stir the egg until it starts to set, stir and let some other egg to set, repeat until they are all just set

DSCN6851 8. Switch off both of the fire and serve now!

心得 little tips :

1. 如想番茄湯更濃,可在加入番茄後加入茄膏 (好似牙膏個種) If you want the Tomato soup to be more rich, add some tomato paste after putting in the tomatoes
2. 小心炒蛋,不要過老 Be careful and don’t overcook the scrambled egg

簡單外國生活食譜 雞絲雜菜意大利飯 – easy live abroad recipe Chicken Veges Risotto

上次同大家介紹過tiramisu, 今次要為大家介紹另一個係外國生活期間好容易煮到嘅一個意大利菜 – 意大利飯,意大利飯可以有好多種 – 蘑菇意大利飯, 紅蘿蔔意大利飯, 翠玉瓜(zucchini)意大利飯… 特別啲嘅有士多啤梨意大利飯,呢一次介紹嘅係雜菜雞絲意大利飯!其實煮意大利飯嘅方法大同小異,云云咁多種意大利飯就係介紹呢種因為佢好睇又有營養,顏色七彩繽紛而且有菜有肉!

Last time I introduced how to make tiramisu, this time, it’s another easily made western dishes when living abroad – risotto, there can be many kinds of risotto – Mushroom risotto, Carrot risotto, Zucchini Risotto…I once made a Strawberry risotto too! But this time, I am telling you my tips to cook Chicken Vegetable Risotto, just because it looks colourful and yummy! It also provides everything you need for the day – meat, vegetables, carbs…etc.!

準備時間 preparation time : 1 hr

材料 ingredients (for 3 people) :
意大利米 Arborio Rice 250g
洋蔥Onion 1 (中/Medium)
雞柳 Chicken 200g
急凍雜菜豆 Frozen Mixed Vegetables (Carrot, Corn, Peas) 200g
雞湯 Chicken Stock 800-1000mL
巴馬臣芝士粉 Grated Parmesan Cheese 10g approx.
牛油 Butter 10g approx.
白酒 White wine 100mL (Optional)
橄欖油 Olive Oil
黑椒 Black Pepper

risottoreisA kind of Risotto rice I found in Germany! Not the most quality one, but I also didn’t pay much for it!

工具 equipment :

大煎Pan Saucepan
煲 Pot

步驟 procedure :

1. 先把洋蔥切粒,把橄欖油加至煎pan中,開大火,直至油熱後,轉中細火並把洋蔥炒至軟身
2. 與此同時,把雞湯放在煲裡,並慢慢加熱
3. 洋蔥軟身後,把雞柳煎至剛熟,放到碟上 (洋蔥可留在pan內)
4. 把雜菜加到煎pan,加些少水煮至剛熟。用叉刀把雞柳撕開,備用
5. 此時雞湯應煮至翻滾,雜菜煮熟後把意大利米放進pan內,攪勻
6. 如想加入白酒,把白酒加入,攪勻
7. 保持中火,當pan內的水分差不多沒有時,加雞湯至剛覆蓋意大利米,攪勻
8. 加入剛才備用的雞粒,當pan內的水分差不多沒有時,加雞湯並攪勻
9. 重複直至意大利米軟身,試味,鹹味不夠可加鹽
10. 加入黑椒並攪勻,熄火
11. 把牛油及芝士粉加入並攪勻,上碟,完成!

1. Chopped he onion to small pieces. Add Olive oil to the saucepan, turn up the heat until the oil is hot, turn it to medium-small fire and add onion, fry till soften
2. At the same time, prepare the chicken stock in the pot, heat it up slowly
3. When the onion is softened, fry the chicken till just ready, then take the chicken out (onion can leave in the saucepan)
4. Add the mixed vegetables into the saucepan, add a little bit of water till the vegetables just ready. Shred the chicken with fork and knife, put aside for later
5. By this time, chicken stock should be boiling. When the mixed vegetables are ready, put the Arborio rice into the saucepan, and mix them
6. If you would like to add white wine, now it’s the time, and mix well
7. Keep it at medium fire, when the liquid in the pan almost dries up, add chicken stock till just cover the rice, mix well
8. Add the shredded chicken. When there’s not much liquid in the saucepan, add chicken stock and mix
9. Repeat the procedure until Arborio is soft and ready to eat, taste it, if it’s not salty enough, add salt
10. Add Black pepper and mix, turn off the fire
11. Finish off by mixing with butter and Parmesan Cheese, ready to serve!

心得 little tips :

1. 用木勺來煮意大利飯 Use a wooden spatula to cook risotto
2. 一般也會找到雞湯粒或雞粉,加到滾水攪拌即可 Usually it’s easy to find a chicken stock cube or stock powder from the supermarket, just add to hot water and that’s it
3. 白酒能令意大利飯更甜美,但太多會令飯變酸 White wine will make the risotto tastes more sweet, but will turn sour if there’s too much
4. 最後的牛油和芝士粉是意大利飯的靈魂,意大利飯即煮即食味道最好 The butter and Parmesan cheese is the soul of the Risotto, enjoy the meal right after as it tastes the best

10個親身感受的德國文化 10 firsthand experience about German culture


1. 乾杯時嘅眼神交流


2. 出𨋢時講拜拜


3. 遵守自己嘅規則


4. 啤酒當水飲



5. 堅持講德文

有次要去整Residence Permit,辦事處嘅職員明明識聽識講英文,但一去到就係咁同我講德文,我第一句都同佢講,我唔識講德文,佢仲要係咁雞啄唔斷!結果佢咪又係要死死地氣同我整個permit,到問我問題時仲講完德文講英文!雖然我聽唔明佢講咩,不過我覺得佢係話,你嚟得德國,做乜一啲德文都唔識!唔識就咪鬼嚟啦!

6. 要剝衣嘅腸仔

德國出名腸仔,但有一隻腸,即使你去餐廳食,到食個時都係要自己剝咗塊衣先食得!呢隻就係慕尼黑腸(Munich Weisswurst)啦!

7. 去club飲酒望女仔多過跳舞



8. 數學勁有因


9. 夏天最鍾意去Mallorca


10. 回收規矩


Can’t believe this is already the third month I am living in Germany, let me share some of the German culture that I came across so far!

1. Eye contact when Cheers!

When you are cheering with the Germans, there are 3 things you have to do together! First is to make sure the glass ‘clink’ to another one, second is to say ‘prost!’ (Cheers in German), third is to look into each of your friends’ eyes! (I mean those who are cheering with you!)

2. Say bye when leaving the lift

There are not too many skyscrapers here, but such a coincidence that my office is located in one of those! In Hong Kong, we rarely have any communication with other strangers in the lift with us, but when Germans are leaving the lift, they will say ‘Good bye’ to you! My German friend told me that because they felt they spent time with you, and they have to be polite!

3. Follow their own rules

I really thought the Germans follow rules in a very strict way. But when I have a chance to talk to my German boss one day about following traffic light when walking on the zebra-crossing, he said he will only do it when kids are around – because he only follows his own rule! Ohlalaaa!

4. Beer instead of water

Okay it’s really true that beer is cheaper than water and it’s famous in Germany, so, why not?!

5. Only German!

Once I went to the Foreign office to deal with my residence permit, the staff there actually understands and speaks English, but she insists to speak German to me even though I told her – Sorry, I don’t speak any German! She keeps speaking in German while handling my case and whenever she has to ask me something, she actually did it bilingually! I don’t understand any German, but I felt like during the whole time, she felt why you come to Germany if you don’t speak any German!

6. Sausage that has to peel the skin

Germany is famous for its sausages! and there’s a kind of sausage, you will have to peel the skin of it even if you are eating it in a restaurant! That’s the Munich Weisswurst!


7. Clubbing is just drinking and checking girls

I usually treat clubbing as a mean for me to work out and lose some weight. But I realize here people like to stand and drink and check out girls instead of dancing in the club! and I am too shy to dance alone in the club! (Though this is only happening in my city, according to my friend.)

8. Mathematics genius

Germans are good at mathematics, and one of the reasons is: the public transport is soooo expensive. But every one does have some time that they have to take public transport. There are soo many different kinds of tickets, so people really have to research and calculate to see which is the best way to travel!


9. Mallorca is the place for summer

Germans love going to Mallorca for holiday! Just to enjoy the sun and sea! This is no surprise when the coast of the country is not really long!

10. Recycling

One thing I really like about Germany is their Recycling policy. However, there is slight difference between how the garbage is being collected. So better ask a local when you arrive your city!