德國開心100日 #100happydays of Germany – Day 15-21

Day 15
Cooking and sharing yummy food with friends is a kind of happiness.

Day 16 Picking up a new 'sport' makes me happy (: it's fun anyway!

Day 16
Picking up a new ‘sport’ makes me happy (: it’s fun anyway!

Day 17
happiness is keep yourself super warm in the cold winter :DDD omg it’s freezing >w<

Day 18 new drinks in the office!! Keep healthy Keep happy!! :DDD

Day 18
new drinks in the office!! Keep healthy Keep happy!! :DDD

Day 19 it was this morning... so beautiful, like a portrait!

Day 19
it was this morning… so beautiful, like a portrait!

Day 20 Hello! Hello Hong Kong! Best thing is to have my grandma' s pan-fried sticky rice 生炒糯米飯 once I arrived her home without letting her know in advance. Super nomnom!

Day 20
Hello! Hello Hong Kong! Best thing is to have my grandma’ s pan-fried sticky rice 生炒糯米飯 once I arrived her home without letting her know in advance. Super nomnom!

Day 21 Going to the wet market with mom and buy ingredients that I would like to eat (; also hv a new haircut (((;

Day 21
Going to the wet market with mom and buy ingredients that I would like to eat (; also hv a new haircut (((;

德國開心100日 #100happydays of Germany – Day 8-14

Day 8 What is so blue? The sky is so blue. Only sun but not any cloud, birds or plane. Feeling peaceful is a state of happiness. Wish every one can also enjoy this peacefulness.

Day 8
What is so blue? The sky is so blue. Only sun but not any cloud, birds or plane. Feeling peaceful is a state of happiness. Wish every one can also enjoy this peacefulness.

Day 9 –  Private photo

Happiness is seeing & catching up with my teammate at work after 3 weeks and together we discover HK people have the highest IQ on average! WAHAHAHAHAHA :DDD

Day 10 Playing stupid game makes me happy: See how many fruits we can stack! lol hahaha

Day 10
Playing stupid game makes me happy: See how many fruits we can stack! lol hahaha

Day 11 – Private Photo
Bowbowbowling is super fun!! even though i m not always good, it’s fun to have fun!! hohoho

Day 12 unexpected super red and bright sunset when it was raining and cloudy for the whole day! makes my day!

Day 12
unexpected super red and bright sunset when it was raining and cloudy for the whole day! makes my day!

Day 13 the lady in front of me when paying at the supermarket left her coffee at the edge of the 'transporting-belt', which in the beginning i didn't know it was hers. But when she was paying, she looked so confused. even though i didn't know what she's saying, i asked if she was looking for a bag of coffee, i said it was left there, and then i got it for her...with everyone behind me looking strange at me. She got it and paid for her coffee, saying 'Thank you' to me in english. Just a little thank you, but it made my day! you never know how powerful 2 little simple words can be!

Day 13
the lady in front of me when paying at the supermarket left her coffee at the edge of the ‘transporting-belt’, which in the beginning i didn’t know it was hers. But when she was paying, she looked so confused. even though i didn’t know what she’s saying, i asked if she was looking for a bag of coffee, i said it was left there, and then i got it for her…with everyone behind me looking strange at me. She got it and paid for her coffee, saying ‘Thank you’ to me in english. Just a little thank you, but it made my day! you never know how powerful 2 little simple words can be!


Day 14
Build a wardrobe. old one’s gone, new one comes! just a very practical one (;

德國開心100日 #100happydays of Germany – Day 1-7

最近係Facebook見到朋友參加咗一個campaign,叫100happydays! 係一個自己俾自己嘅挑戰,每日影張相去記錄低令自己開心嘅事,大事小事都可以,成功完成會有一本紀錄晒一百日嘅小小嘅書仔俾返你。


Recently a friend of mine join an online campaign called 100happydays. It’s a challenge for yourself, to take a picture every day and record what makes you happy, it can be something big or something tiny. If you succeed the challenge, you will get a little book which record the 100 days!

Determine to challenge myself! For the coming 100 days, i will take a picture every day, and upload the photos here every week! i believe there will be some difference when i am sharing my happy life in Germany than Hong Kong ;)

Day 1 the clouds in the beautiful blue sky makes my day! :)

Day 2 Happiness is having lotslotslotslots countless of gummybears after lunch (((:

Day 3 Happiness is sharing my delicious homemade cookies and creating a little surprise to people around me (:

Day 4 What is happier than receiving a surprise belated Christmas card from your bff?! such a beautiful card and it’s soooo sweet of you! :DDD

Day 5 Great dinner with my teammates and some +1s, and drinks afterwards (: it was fun! Happiness is to have fun with people around me ;DDD

Day 6 Happiness is adding my favourite alcohol bottle to the flat’s collection…HAHAHAHAHA

Day 7 Chilling in a coffee shop once in a while is a good way to cheer my life! (not always though, thinking about the calories…) ;P