20 樣未去歐洲前不知道的事 20 things I never know before going to Europe

Before I went to Europe for  the first time, I knew very little about things going on in this continent. I know some of the things may sound really stupid not to know, but I also believe that’s how I gained my knowledge bits by bits when I traveled. This is one of the reasons why I love traveling, and why traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

  1. Greenland is part of Denmark. It is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark!
  2. Differences between Nordic countries and Scandinavia! Scandinavian countries = Sweden, Norway and Denmark and Nordic = Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Finland, and three autonomous regions (Faroe Islands, Greenland and Aland Islands). *
  3. Super small countries in Europe: San Marion and Liechtenstein! (I heard of Vatican City, Monaco and Malta before.)
  4. Trains can separate into 2 or even more parts. For instance, the first bit of the train will go to city A, while the last bit will go to city B.
  5. Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are considered as 1 area (or country) if you are buying inter-rail/eurail pass in Europe!
  6. The major/easiest way to travel from city to city in Turkey is by bus, and they have wifi, free snack and drink provided on the bus! Someone will push a little trolley and come to your seat and serve you!
  7. After buying a train ticket, sometimes you have to reserve a seat, if not, you may end up standing in the train for your whole journey.
  8. Cheap airline can be really cheap! I once got a ticket from Italy to Denmark for 5EURO!
  9. While many food is more expensive than HK, carrots, milk and potatoes are cheaper! For example, 1 pint (568mL) of fresh milk cost only £ 0.49 (HKD5.75), while the average price of a pasta in a restaurant is around 10GBP (HKD120). [For foreign visitors’ information, 236mL of fresh milk cost at least HKD6 (£ 0.51), while a pasta with coffee or tea will cost around HKD50 (£ 4.25) during lunch time and HKD80 (£ 6.8) for dinner time.]
  10. Italian cuisine is more than just pasta like spaghetti and pizza! There are more like gnocchi, tortellini…you can make a Strawberry risotto, and the pasta we called Angel hair in Hong Kong is called Capellini in Italian. (If you tell them Angel hair, they may not know what it is…)
  11. Difference between hard water and soft water! Hard water have more minerals like Calcium, for us who are not used to drink hard water, you may end up having some hair loss problem!
  12. Get a free postcard in pubs in Denmark! (maybe also in other countries…)
  13. Send a postcard for free from Europe by writing ‘student-to-student’ instead of sticking a stamp. Couldn’t find any official info about it, but I had quite a lot of successful cases! (Send from: Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, and Austria…etc. to Japan, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and the USA…etc.)
  14. Free university education (up to Master degree) in some Nordic countries (e.g. Denmark, Sweden)!
  15. Daylight saving! So time will shift 1 hr on a specific day.
  16. Celebrations of festival! For example, St. Patrick’s Day in March in Ireland; Mother’s Day and Red Nose Day in March and Red Poppy for Remembrance Day in Nov in the UK, Queen’s Day in May in the Netherlands…etc.
  17. There are little <3 (hearts) on the coins of Danish Kroner – the Danish currency.
  18. You can’t make snowman with any snow. Sometimes snow is too wet or too dirty for it.
  19. Only Asians have difference between single eyelid and double eyelids! Europeans all have double eyelids! (Why?! Life is sooo unfair!)
  20. Hong Kong is part of Japan to some Europeans.


  1. 格陵蘭是丹麥的一部份,現在是丹麥皇國裏面的一個自治國。
  2. NordicScandinavia這兩個字是有分別的!Scandinavia =瑞典、挪威和丹麥;而Nordic = Scandinavia、芬蘭、冰島、法羅群島、格陵蘭和奧蘭群島自治區。*
  3. 在歐洲裏面的超級小國:聖馬里昂(San Marion)和列支敦士登(Liechtenstein)! (我以前只聽說過梵蒂岡,摩納哥和馬爾他。)
  4. 一架火車可以分開去兩個不同的地方。前段去城市A,後段去城市B!
  5. 假如購買火車證歐遊,荷蘭、比利時及盧森堡是當作為同一地區的!
  6. 土耳其,最容易穿梭不同城市的交通工具是巴士,而且巴士設備非常好,不但有WIFI,還提供小食及飯品!還會有專人把食物送到您的座位!
  7. 買了火車票不等如您有位坐,有時候要再加錢預留座位,如果沒有座位,您可能整程火車也要企!
  8. 廉價航空公司真的很便宜!曾經試過買一張從意大利到丹麥的機票也只是5歐元
  9. 雖然很多一般食食物都比香港昂貴,但紅蘿蔔牛奶薯仔非常便宜!例如:568mL的鮮牛奶只要0.49英鎊,但去餐廳吃一個意大利粉就大約要10英鎊。
  10. 除了和意大利粉外,意大利還有很多美食!如gnocchi、tortellini,,仲有可以有士多啤梨意大利飯!香港人叫開既天使麵,原來意大利人係無聽過呢個名既,佢地係叫Capellini!
  11. 水都有分硬水軟水,硬水既礦物質豐富得多,平常不是飲慣硬水的香港人,飲得多有機會甩頭髮!
  12. 係丹麥既酒吧係有個扲免費名信片的!
  13. 免費寄名信片可以試下係貼郵票既地方寫Student-to-student!雖然找不到官方資料,但我曾經在丹麥、德國、捷克、奧地利等國家寄過,試過寄去日本、香港、英國、美國都收到!
  14. 一些北歐國家是提供免費高等教育〔直到碩士〕。
  15. 夏令時間!係某一日深夜既時候,會多左或少左一個鐘!
  16. 不同的節日慶祝活動!例如,愛爾蘭在三月有St Patrick’s Day,英國在三月有Red Nose Day和母親節、還有十一月的陣亡將士紀念日,荷蘭在五月有Queen’s Day…等。
  17. 在丹麥貨幣 – Danish Kroner的硬幣上是有<3(心)型的圖案。
  18. 不是一下雪便可以堆雪人!有時雪會太濕、有時會太髒…!
  19. 只有亞洲人有單眼皮雙眼皮的分別!所有歐洲人也是雙眼皮的! (天啊!為什麼這麼不公平?)
  20. 有些歐洲人認為香港是日本的一部分。(不知爲什麽…)

免費名信片 Free postcards!

第一個雪球 My first snowball!
士多啤梨意大利飯 Strawberry Risotto!
會分開的火車 Train that will detach!

*Reference: http://lostinstockholm.com/2010/03/09/the-confusion-between-scandinavia-and-nordic/


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