Schwetzingen – 德國的秘密城堡花園 Schwetzingen – Secret castle garden in Germany



Heidelberg in Germany may not sound strange to many travelers. However, its nearby city – Mannheim, most of the people go there just for the sake of having cheaper accommodation when visiting Heidelberg, because that is a city which is not too much to see. Yet, I stayed in Mannheim for a few days because of a friend.

While my friend was worrying where she should show me around in Mannheim, her housemate suggested we can go to Schwetzingen. She said we would definitely love it! We were shocked after we enter the castle garden, and then we realized the garden was realllllllllly huge! This castle is so secret that even my German friend who’s been studying there didn’t know about that! What a big discovery!

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噴泉 Big Fountain!

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放塊樹葉,就會跟住水流走 Put a leaf, and it will flow along the water

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小橋流水 little bridge

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五顏六色的秋天 colourful autumn

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城堡內的清真寺 Mosque in the castle

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遊完花園嘆下蘋果餡餅 Enjoy apple strudel after the visit