到外國留學認識朋友的必學4招 4 ways to get to know new friends when studying abroad


1. 參與興趣小組


2. 微笑


3. 參與不同活動


4. Say Yes!


It’s common to feel lonely sometimes when you are studying abroad. In order to make the best out of your stay, why not meet more foreign friends, expand your social circle and chill out with friends during your leisure time!

1. Join some interest group

If you have some particular interests/hobbies, e.g. sport, movie, music…etc., you can join some interest class or group. Get to know some people who share similar interests and do something that both of you enjoy together!

2. SMILE (:

Sometimes, a little smile will bring you a new friend! Even though we are from different background and ethnicity, smile can represent friendliness and reduce the barrier between you and your new friends!

3. Join different activities

Pay attention to different activities organized in the campus or outside campus. Join different activities like visiting some nearby cities or countries together and increase the chance of meeting new friends!

4. Say YES!

Especially for the first week, if there is anyone inviting you to join some activities or parties, you have to say YES! Get to know the people first, and see who you can get along well with. After the first week, every one already has their own circle of friends, then it will be harder to get into the others!

更多海外升學資訊 More study abroad information:英國留學

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