10個親身感受的德國文化 10 firsthand experience about German culture


1. 乾杯時嘅眼神交流


2. 出𨋢時講拜拜


3. 遵守自己嘅規則


4. 啤酒當水飲



5. 堅持講德文

有次要去整Residence Permit,辦事處嘅職員明明識聽識講英文,但一去到就係咁同我講德文,我第一句都同佢講,我唔識講德文,佢仲要係咁雞啄唔斷!結果佢咪又係要死死地氣同我整個permit,到問我問題時仲講完德文講英文!雖然我聽唔明佢講咩,不過我覺得佢係話,你嚟得德國,做乜一啲德文都唔識!唔識就咪鬼嚟啦!

6. 要剝衣嘅腸仔

德國出名腸仔,但有一隻腸,即使你去餐廳食,到食個時都係要自己剝咗塊衣先食得!呢隻就係慕尼黑腸(Munich Weisswurst)啦!

7. 去club飲酒望女仔多過跳舞



8. 數學勁有因


9. 夏天最鍾意去Mallorca


10. 回收規矩


Can’t believe this is already the third month I am living in Germany, let me share some of the German culture that I came across so far!

1. Eye contact when Cheers!

When you are cheering with the Germans, there are 3 things you have to do together! First is to make sure the glass ‘clink’ to another one, second is to say ‘prost!’ (Cheers in German), third is to look into each of your friends’ eyes! (I mean those who are cheering with you!)

2. Say bye when leaving the lift

There are not too many skyscrapers here, but such a coincidence that my office is located in one of those! In Hong Kong, we rarely have any communication with other strangers in the lift with us, but when Germans are leaving the lift, they will say ‘Good bye’ to you! My German friend told me that because they felt they spent time with you, and they have to be polite!

3. Follow their own rules

I really thought the Germans follow rules in a very strict way. But when I have a chance to talk to my German boss one day about following traffic light when walking on the zebra-crossing, he said he will only do it when kids are around – because he only follows his own rule! Ohlalaaa!

4. Beer instead of water

Okay it’s really true that beer is cheaper than water and it’s famous in Germany, so, why not?!

5. Only German!

Once I went to the Foreign office to deal with my residence permit, the staff there actually understands and speaks English, but she insists to speak German to me even though I told her – Sorry, I don’t speak any German! She keeps speaking in German while handling my case and whenever she has to ask me something, she actually did it bilingually! I don’t understand any German, but I felt like during the whole time, she felt why you come to Germany if you don’t speak any German!

6. Sausage that has to peel the skin

Germany is famous for its sausages! and there’s a kind of sausage, you will have to peel the skin of it even if you are eating it in a restaurant! That’s the Munich Weisswurst!


7. Clubbing is just drinking and checking girls

I usually treat clubbing as a mean for me to work out and lose some weight. But I realize here people like to stand and drink and check out girls instead of dancing in the club! and I am too shy to dance alone in the club! (Though this is only happening in my city, according to my friend.)

8. Mathematics genius

Germans are good at mathematics, and one of the reasons is: the public transport is soooo expensive. But every one does have some time that they have to take public transport. There are soo many different kinds of tickets, so people really have to research and calculate to see which is the best way to travel!


9. Mallorca is the place for summer

Germans love going to Mallorca for holiday! Just to enjoy the sun and sea! This is no surprise when the coast of the country is not really long!

10. Recycling

One thing I really like about Germany is their Recycling policy. However, there is slight difference between how the garbage is being collected. So better ask a local when you arrive your city!

10 things to truly feel Hong Kong as a traveler, not a tourist!

(It’s too long to include both Chinese & English in this post, just keep it as a English one for the time being!)

A good inspiration from the Big-Blog-Exchange: asking bloggers to share traditions or landmarks that travelers shouldn’t miss when visiting my home-country – Hong Kong (it’s not a country officially, but…anyway!), I come up with this post! Other than those typical things every one already knows: seeing Victoria Harbour, shopping everywhere and trying authentic Dim Sum, my recommendations are as follows:

1. Feel the crowd!

2. You are sure you like Chinese/Hong Kong food?

3. Trotter Trotter – Happy Valley racecourse!

4. Pink dolphin & fishing village!

5. Beaches Beaches!

6. Look at the green and smell the freshness!

7. Villain hitting

8. Add a Cantonese finish particle to finish off your sentence ‘la’!

9. Seek for a Never-ending-night!

10. Act FAST!

and the reasons behind are…

1. Feel the crowd!
If you think big cities like New York or London are busy and crowded, you really need to re-define these 2 words in Hong Kong! Just squeeze yourself in Mongkok, which has the highest population density in the world, with 130,000 people per square km, or take the MTR (metro) at around 8.30am, then you will understand what it means to feel the crowd!


2. Are you sure you like Chinese/Hong Kong food?
If you happen to be my foreign friends visiting Hong Kong, I am not sure whether it is lucky or unlucky for you, but I will definitely try to make you eat weird food like chicken feet (it’s a dim sum dish!) or chicken testicle (it’s something some people,mostly men, eat during Hot Pot!)! I will be even more proud of you if you are also eating snake’s soup!

3. Trotter Trotter – Happy Valley racecourse!
A tradition after being a British Colony, visiting the Happy Valley racecourse on a Wednesday evening will make you feel like you enter another world in Hong Kong. Surrounded by mostly westerners with beers and hot dogs in their hands, perhaps you will forget you are in Hong Kong for a second! If you want to feel the real local gambling atmosphere, then better go to the ShaTin racecourse during the weekend!


4. Pink dolphin & traditional fishing village!
Dolphins may not sound very special to you, but what about a pink one? The pink dolphin is an endangered species which is also called the ‘Chinese White Dolphins’. I don’t want to recommend those dolphin-watching tours to you because it’s not good for the dolphins, but you can go to Tai O, where the locals can take you to the sea on a small boat, and then you may have a chance to catch a glimpse of them! It’s cheap and it also gives you another reason to visit one of the remaining traditional fishing villages you can find in Hong Kong!


5. Beaches Beaches!
Thought that Hong Kong is only full of skyscrapers? Being a city along the coastline, there are at least 40 beaches around the island for you to chill and relax!


6. Look at the green and smell the freshness!
Other than beach, three quarters of Hong Kong are actually covered by countryside! (I think that makes more sense why we need skyscrapers!) Take a day or two to the New Territories or some outlying islands: camping in Tai Long Wan for a night or a little day trip to Lamma Island will be my recommendations! If you like monkeys, you can also visit Monkey hill! Be careful of your food/plastic bags, they are so smart and they love to steal things from you!



7. Villain hitting!
If you want to curse someone you dislike, we can help you with our tradition! Just go to ‘Goose-neck Bridge’ in Causeway Bay, our professional ladies will help you to ‘beat’ him/her up! It is considered the best way to get it off your chest!

8. Add a Cantonese finish particle to finish off your sentence ‘la’!
Influenced by the way we speak Cantonese, many Hong Kong people like to finish their sentence in other languages with expression like ‘la’, ‘wor’, ‘ah’, ‘ga’, ‘ma’…etc. So remember to do the same ‘ah’!

9. Seek for a never-ending-night!
When I live in London, many of my friends told me they love London because there is always something to do! Then I will always invite them to visit Hong Kong! If you want a restaurant to eat anytime of the day, under whatever weather condition, we have Tsui Wah Restaurant! If you want to party all night, visit LKF (Lan Kwai Fong, a drinking area with lots of bars, pubs, clubs…etc.)! If you just want to chill and chat while enjoying the Victoria Harbour, a secret place I will recommend is the rooftop of IFC (International Financial Centre) or the Star Avenue in Tsim Sha Tsui!

lkfLKF (Lan Kwai Fong, a must-go if you want to party!)

View from Star Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui

10. Act FAST!
Living in such a massive and busy city, I have to confess that Hong Kong people are pretty impatient. If you just started deciding what you want to order when you reach the cashier at McDonalds, please forgive the person behind you for showing his/her impatience. Also before you get to the machine to tab your octopus card (a card we can use to pay the transportation and food in Hong Kong) in MTR (metro)/bus, make sure you already have the card in your hand! We can’t bother to wait!


Other related articles: 50 reasons Hong Kong is the world’s greatest city , 20 things I never know before going to Europe

10個海外升學的原因 10 Reasons to Study Abroad



1. 訓練獨立


2. 體驗異地文化


3. 結交外籍朋友


4. 學習自己有興趣的科目


5. 學好外語


6. 擴闊眼界


7. 容易專心讀書


8. 認識自己


9. 認識自己的國家及文化


10. 提升兢爭力


更多海外升學資訊 More Study Abroad information:海外升學