7樣德國慕尼黑啤酒節你要知嘅嘢 7 things you want to know about Oktoberfest



1. 啤酒節有幾耐歷史?

啤酒節源自1810年,最初只係慶祝Bavarian國王Ludwig I.同佢妻子Theresie嘅結婚紀念活動之一。本來係賽馬活動,但因太受歡迎,而逐漸變成每年舉行嘅活動,繼而進發成今日嘅啤酒節!

2. 啲啤酒有啲咩特色架?

啤酒節嘅啤酒全部都係係德國慕尼黑釀造,而自16世紀,德國Bavaria(啤酒節所屬嘅州)已經對釀造啤酒有嚴格嘅規條,為咗釀造最純嘅啤酒,喺1516年,Duke William IV訂下只可以用水, 大麥(Barley),同啤酒花(Hop),所以德國嘅啤酒被譽為世上最好味嘅啤酒!

3. 去到啤酒節有咩牌子嘅啤酒飲呢?

啤酒節嘅啤酒都係喺Bavaria釀製,有以下幾個品牌:Augustiner, Paulaner, Spaten-Franziskaner, Löwenbräu, Hacker-Pschorr, Hofbräu

4. 1杯啤酒有幾大杯?幾多錢?又有幾多卡路里?


5. 啤酒節有啲咩德國傳統嘢食要食呢?


6. 啤酒節有咩玩架?


7. 去啤酒節要準備啲乜?



 (Source of picture: wikipedia)

The German Oktoberfest occur every year during September and October as the world’s biggest beer festival! How much do you know about it? Do you know the following things about Oktoberfest?

1. What’s the history of Oktoberfest?

Oktoberfest originates from 1810. At first it was a horse race and was part of the celebration of Bravarian King Ludwig I. and his wife Theresie. As the horse race was very popular, it was held as an annual event afterwards, and eventually becomes the Oktoberfest nowadays.


2. What’s so special about the beer?

The beer we drink in Oktoberfest are all brewed in Munich. Since 16th century, Bavaria in Germany already has set strict rules for brewing the best beer. In order to brew the purest beer, in 1516, Duke William IV ordered only water, barley and hop can be used for brewing!

3. What brands of beer are you expecting to see in Oktoberfest?

All the beer in Oktoberfest are brewed in Munich in Bavaria, include the following brands: Augustiner, Paulaner, Spaten-Franziskaner, Löwenbräu, Hacker-Pschorr, Hofbräu

4. How big and how much is a glass of beer? How many calories does a glass of beer contain?

During Oktoberfest, a glass of beer is usually 1L. It costs around 10euro and it has around 500kcal for each glass of beer! Maybe sharing the glass of beer with a friend is not a bad idea, thinking about how much fat you are gaining!

5. What are some typical German food to eat in Oktoberfest?

There are a few foods you should try when you go to Oktoberfest! The common ones are pork knuckle, bratwurst, pretzels…!  But maybe it never draws your attention that Germans also like to eat roast chicken in Oktoberfest, season the chicken and roast the skin till crispy! Ohlalalaaaaaa. Nom!

6. What am I expecting to have fun in Oktoberfest?

Oktoberfest is like a big carnival, there are rides, stalls for food and beer tent! There’s no entrance fee for Oktoberfest, and you only have to pay if you are playing the rides, eating or drinking! So if you don’t want to spend any money in Oktoberfest, you can simply walk around and feel how it’s like!


7. What should I prepare to go to Oktoberfest?

As it’s the biggest beer festival in the world, there are people from all around the world to go to Oktoberfest every year! During that period, hotels and transportation like flights and trains tickets soared! So plan ahead, if not, maybe it’s good to have a good friend who lives in Munich! Also remember to book a table in the tent earlier, if you don’t have a seat, they won’t serve you a beer! If you would like to get in the atmosphere, you can also wear what the Bavarian traditional costume! Don’t feel shy, because there will be many people wearing Dirndl and Lederhosen!

To get to know more: http://www.oktoberfest.de/

7 個德國住屋網站 7 sites to look for long term accommodation in Germany




Recently I relocate to Germany and start working there. One of the first things I have to solve after I arrive is to find a long term accommodation.

Living abroad, either you rent a studio or you share an apartment with the others. I personally like to live with some others! Firstly it’s more economical, secondly, I can sometimes hang out with my flatmates or we can spend time cooking together!

You can find 7 sites to look for accommodation below, I hope it may help you! (In Germany, it’s common that the flat is unfurnished when you move in, so you may have to spend some money on furniture!)


1. 最大最主要的flatshare網站,亦有翻譯功能,唔識德文都唔驚!(係德國,flatshare簡稱WG) The biggest and most common site for flatshare, they got translation function for the description for the flat, so no worries if you don’t speak German at all! (In Germany, people call flatshare WG)


2. 一個提供類似B&B嘅網站!A site providing accommodation like B&B!


3. 主要俾Cologne, Bonn, Dusseldorf地區裝修好有傢俬嘅屋!Provides funished flat/apartment for Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf area!


4. 呢個係俾啱啱係世界各地初來報到嘅人嘅網站,除咗德國,仲有其他地方! A site for expat who just arrives another city! So there are more information other than just Germany!


5. 都幾established,不過只得德文!Quite an established site with German only!


6. 同5有啲相似,都係只得德文! ditto!


7. 都係只得德文! ditto!


7個創意十足的歐洲街頭藝術7 creative street ‘art’ I found in Europe!


Don’t know if it’s the daring attitude of westerners or if they are more creative, it’s not too hard to see some funny street art on the street! Here are some of my collections!


Brussels, Belgium


Berlin, Germany


London, Great Britain


Rovaniemi, Finland


Budapest, Hungary


Prague, Czech Republic

ven01Venice, Italy (Hmm. maybe this is not really an art…)


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相關博文 Related blog articles:20 樣未去歐洲前不知道的事 20 things I never know before going to Europe , 4個從西方文化學會的舉止 4 manners I learnt from the western culture!

7個未畢業就遊世界的好方法 7 different ways I sent myself abroad before graduating from uni!


I always love traveling abroad since I was very young. Yet I am not coming from a rich family. Unlike some of my classmates who travel abroad every year with their families, my parents and I seldom travel together. To be honest, they’ve been to places way less than I do (because they can’t get the same opportunities like me). Nevertheless, I am grateful that they let me go and see the world. These are some of the ways how I manage to get myself away from Hong Kong without spending too much mommy’s money!

1. 學校的交流團 Exchange tour by secondary school/university

第一次自己離開香港是13歲。剛好學校被市政府邀請作中秋節表演,因而有機會去美國加洲矽谷!當時大概去了十天左右,當中除了遊覽不同的旅遊景點外,還到了當地的中學上了一星期的課,還跟當地的Host Family一起住!還記得就是因為時差的關係,渡過了一生最長的生日!出發那天正是我的生日,乘了十多小時的飛機後,到達美國還是生日天的下午!到大學時亦看見不同部門或學會也有不同形式的交流團,有興趣也可以報名參加。

The first time I traveled alone was when I was 13 years old. My secondary school was invited to go to the United States (Silicon Valley, California) to perform in the Moon Festival. We went there for around 10 days, in which we spent a week studying in the local school, lived with the host family and went to all those touristic places. I still remember I also had my longest birthday ever! We departed on my birthday, and when we arrive after 10+ hours, it’s still the afternoon of my birthday! I notice that my university also arranged different exchange tours as well, so it can be your chance!

2. 制服團體或青少年組織的交流團 Exchange tour by uniformed groups*/youth organizations


I was a member of a uniformed group in Hong Kong when I was younger. During summer time, these uniformed groups or some other youth organizations always organize different exchange tours. Many of these tours are subsidized, so they are relatively a lot cheaper. Since they are organizing these kinds of tours almost every year, they are experienced in the arrangement as well. I’ve been to 4 different trips with these organizations: Inner Mongolia, Shanghai and Yangtsz River in China and Australia.


上海世博 Shanghai during World Expo!

*Uniformed groups are those youth organizations aimed to provide disciplinary and expedition training like Scouts, Cadet Force, Red Cross, and so on.

3. 政府附屬組織的交流計劃 Exchange program by government affiliates


Each year, the Home Affairs Bureau and Commission of Youth on Hong Kong select some young people recommended by different associations and schools in Hong Kong to participate the International Youth Exchange Program (IYEP). The program gives delegate opportunity to go on an exchange tour for free to one of these countries: the United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan and Singapore. Young people from the respective countries will come to Hong Kong as an exchange as well! I was lucky enough to get the chance to go to Singapore for a week in which I met some lifelong Singaporean friends!

新加坡的朋友在迎接我們 Welcome by our Singaporean friends!

新加坡的朋友在迎接我們 Welcome by our Singaporean friends!

4. 義工計劃 Volunteer Program


I volunteered in an English language school in Turkey. During my 6 weeks there, I got a chance to live with some locals and interact with them. I didn’t have to pay for my accommodation, which usually is the biggest spending for my trips abroad. I enjoyed the experience a lot because I believe having the chance to talk with the locals is giving me the most out of my trip! That’s how I can really learn about the local culture there and know some secrets that normal tourists won’t know at all! I learnt to cook some Turkish food and belly dance from my host!

邊當義工邊感受土耳其文化 learning the Turkish culture and contributing to the Turkish society!

邊當義工邊感受土耳其文化 learning the Turkish culture and contributing to the Turkish society!

5. 交換生 Exchange student


Having the chance to study in Denmark for 1 semester has given me the chance to explore the Nordic world. It’s the first time I lived alone and leave my home for such a ‘long’ time but I think it’s worth it! Many universities offer different exchange students program for their students (like Erasmus in Europe) and if you apply for it, you may even get some subsidies for your time abroad.

認識北歐的文化 get to know the Nordics!

認識北歐的文化 get to know the Nordics!

6. 海外實習 Overseas internship


As a student, what else can be better than getting some internship experience and enjoying another culture at the same time? Going to Sydney(Australia) for a summer internship allowed me to discover other cities during my weekend on top of my internship experience! Even though the internship was not paid, I got subsidies from my university to cover my day-to-day cost!

在充滿活力的澳洲工作 working in the vivid Sydney!

在充滿活力的澳洲工作 working in the vivid Sydney!

7. 國際研討會 International conferences

一些國際學生組織如AIESECModel United Nations也會不定時舉辦不同的國際研討會讓會員參加,有時有些院校也會提供資助讓該校的學生到外地參加研討會。這是一個結識來自五湖四海的朋友的好機會,而且也能一同探討一些青年人關心的議題!正因為這些研討會,我也有機會第一次踏足了意大利希獵台灣

There are some international student organizations like AIESEC and Model United Nations. These youth organizations hold international conferences from time to time, and sometimes they have subsidies as well. It’s actually a good way to meet people from other countries and learn something new together! This is how I got a chance to go to Italy, Greece and Taiwan! Sounds cool, right?

邊學邊走 learning and traveling!

邊學邊走 learning and traveling!


其他相關機會 Other related opportunity: EF US Study Tour 美國遊學計劃 , Engliver City in Turkey

其他相關文章 Other related article: 5個海外留學慳錢秘笈 5 tips to save money when studying abroad