7 個德國住屋網站 7 sites to look for long term accommodation in Germany




Recently I relocate to Germany and start working there. One of the first things I have to solve after I arrive is to find a long term accommodation.

Living abroad, either you rent a studio or you share an apartment with the others. I personally like to live with some others! Firstly it’s more economical, secondly, I can sometimes hang out with my flatmates or we can spend time cooking together!

You can find 7 sites to look for accommodation below, I hope it may help you! (In Germany, it’s common that the flat is unfurnished when you move in, so you may have to spend some money on furniture!)


1. 最大最主要的flatshare網站,亦有翻譯功能,唔識德文都唔驚!(係德國,flatshare簡稱WG) The biggest and most common site for flatshare, they got translation function for the description for the flat, so no worries if you don’t speak German at all! (In Germany, people call flatshare WG)


2. 一個提供類似B&B嘅網站!A site providing accommodation like B&B!


3. 主要俾Cologne, Bonn, Dusseldorf地區裝修好有傢俬嘅屋!Provides funished flat/apartment for Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf area!


4. 呢個係俾啱啱係世界各地初來報到嘅人嘅網站,除咗德國,仲有其他地方! A site for expat who just arrives another city! So there are more information other than just Germany!


5. 都幾established,不過只得德文!Quite an established site with German only!


6. 同5有啲相似,都係只得德文! ditto!


7. 都係只得德文! ditto!
